Let's talk about the cervix!
It can sound a bit intimidating as we just aren't taught enough about our cervix or inside the vagina growing up.
We have always trooped on thinking, "well as long as everything is working down there, why would I need to know this stuff?"
But knowing where your cervix is and how to find it can be incredibly empowering and even beneficial for your health.
So, first things first - what is the cervix?

The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. It's a small, cylindrical structure that can change in shape and position throughout your menstrual cycle. It’s an amazing part of your body, as it protects your uterus and helps to regulate menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth.
The cervical opening is where menstrual fluid comes out of during your period. The end of the cervix hangs down from the vaginal wall. It is a round firm piece of tissue, which we think feels similar to pressing the end of your nose. You can tell the difference between the end of your cervix and the vaginal wall (because the wall is quite soft and squishy in comparison). It is this round, protruding tip of the cervix that your Hey Zomi disc needs to fully encircle in order to have no leaks.
Knowing what your cervix feels like, helps you to stay aware of any changes in your body, but it can also provide early warning signs of potential health issues.
Feeling the differences that occur for your cervix during the month can also help you determine the best time to have try and conceive. During ovulation, the cervix becomes softer and more open, making it easier for sperm to travel through the cervix and into the uterus. It really is amazing!
But, how do you actually find your cervix?
It's pretty simple, actually. You can start by washing your hands and finding a comfortable position - some women prefer to stand with one leg raised, while others find it easier to lie down. Our top tip is to explore your body in the shower, where we are usually the most comfortable.
Next, insert your finger into your vagina and feel for a small, round or oblong-shaped bump at the back of your vaginal canal. That's your cervix! It might feel a little bit like the tip of your nose or a rubbery donut. If it is closer to ovulation or menstruation, you can even feel the tiny cervical opening.
To make this process even clearer, check out Mika's video tutorial- because sometimes we need some directional cues so we are literally not 'stabbing around in the dark' in there.
Remember, your cervix might feel different at different times of the month, depending on your menstrual cycle. It might be lower or up high and hard to reach. When you are aroused your cervix will move higher in your anatomy too!
While finding your cervix might seem so foreign or maybe even unnecessary, it can make a huge difference in how you understand and care for your body. It especially makes a big difference when using internal menstrual products like cups or the Hey Zomi disc.
So go ahead, give it a try - who knows, you might even find it a vibe.