The Aussie menstrual disc that's revolutionising period care!

The Aussie menstrual disc that's revolutionising period care!
We get it, menstrual discs look big… and different to anything we have ever tried for our periods before!

It can feel daunting, and overcoming thoughts like “How will it fit!” and “I don’t want to get it lost inside” are hard to ignore.

Last week, Jessica Smith from wellness magazine, Body+Soul, took the plunge of trying the Hey Zomi reusable menstrual disc revealing “it’s not nearly as intimidating as it sounds!”

In her article The Aussie menstrual disc that's revolutionising period care, Jessica gives in depth insight into her experience try out Hey Zomi!

‘I was sceptical. Menstrual cups still seem like they’re worn by the minority if you chat to your girlfriends, but menstrual discs? I barely knew anyone who used one. It was this drawcard that got me in:

You can empty a menstrual disc without taking the whole thing out.

But after trying this Australian-made menstrual disc from Hey Zomi, I had a few more things to rave about than just the emptying process.’

Jessica shares her journey moving from menstrual cups to discs and gives ALL the ins and outs of using the Hey Zomi reusable menstrual disc.

Thank you Jess for your honest and open experience you give! We love normalising the period conversation, and you have done this so effortlessly in your article.

We are cheering for you all and if you are on the fence about trying a menstrual disc, we (Mika and Zoe) are always here to answer questions and help!

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